BACK TO INDEX > > > T U E S D A Y,  June 25th
21:00..Cultural Centre of Novi Sad

Katalin Ladik:.CAGE MADE OF GRASS.(Budapest, HUN / Novi Sad, YU)
P o e t i c  p e r f o r m a n c e  t h e a t r e (Prčmiere)

Author and performer:.Katalin Ladik
Director and art assistant:.Tibor Vajda

The cage made of sounds, hart beets and light. Cage for everyday use and for holidays. Cage for new-borns, for dead, for reborned. Cage for those who will never be born. Cage as punishment and protection for people-animals, as home for the homeless and rejection of freedom.
Making the cage for its own soles and its own body measures.

Katalin Ladik was born in Novi Sad on October 25th 1942. Range of creation: Literature, acting, making and interpretation of experimental sound compositions and radio plays, phonetic and visual poetry, happening, performance, actions, and mail art.
..Performances, happenings, actions (extract):
1968 – Budapest – Sentandreia
1970 – Belgrade, Theatre in the Basement of Attelier 212
1971 – Zagreb, Student’s Centre
1972 – Beograd, SKC Festival of Broaden Media; Novi Sad, Youth Platform
1977 – Amsterdam, Stedelíjk Museum
1978 – Sarajevo, Festival of Small and Experimental Scenes
1979 – Amsterdam, One World Poetry
1980 – Paris, Centrenational Georges Pompidou; New York, The International Sound Poetry Festival
1983 – Wienn, Wienner Festwochen
1984 – Glasgow, Poetsound ’84; Milano, Milanopoesia
1985 – Zemun, Festival of Monodrama and Pantomime, Belgrade, Theatre “Magaza”
1996 – Marseille, Galerie Meyer
2002 – Budapest, Wienn
..Actor’s work in theatre, film, TV and radio stations:
Since 1963 till 1992 works as fully engaged actress on Novi Sad Radio Station, and then in Novi Sad Theatre – Újvidéki Színház.
..Theatre parts: Cehov: “Tree Sisters”; Tolnai: “Bayer Aspirin”; Beckett: “Happy Days”; Jarry: “King Ubu”; Brecht: “Mother Courage”
..Film parts: “Bite of an Angel” (L. Zafranovic)
..Parts on TV: “Knife Thrower” (dir. K. Vicek)
..Awards: First award at the Festival of Professional Theatres of Vojvodina, First award of the Serbian Association of Drama Actors for the role of Masha in “Three Sisters”.

Cultural Centre of Novi Sad