Nenad Čolić/Blue Theatre, Belgrade (Serbia)

Scenario and directing: Nenad Čolić
Performers: Jelena Martinović, Marko Potkonjak, Maša Jelić, Dejan Stojković
Set, costume, booklet: Ivana Čolić
Instructor of classic Indian dance: Violeta Purhmajer (Venurati)

H. Hesse - "Steppenwolf", "Essays", "Pilgrimage";
I. Heilbut - "Mission of Hermann Hesse In Our Time"

Traditional spiritual music of ancient India - Bhajan, Traditional song "Svilen konac", W. A. Mozart - 40th Symphony, Prince - "Purple Rain", "Te Amo Corazon"

Classic Indian dances Bharata-natyam, Radjahstan

The duration of the play is 90 minutes.


I sing like a bird is a verse from Goethe’s poem “The Singer”. Fifteen years old Herman Hesse recited this poem while studying and serving in the evangelistic monastery of Maulbronn when his tutor criticized him for reciting it too proudly and too freely. Young Hesse wrote it down in a letter to his parents from whom it can be seen that this was one of the first barbs of the repression of the outer world, which was painfully taken by truth and freedom loving sensual being of Herman Hesse.
I sing like a bird is an expression of our spiritual need. This is one more performance by Plavo Pozorište that has been based on contradictions of the question of freedom. This time from the viewpoint of a European citizen whose life emits senselessness and confusion, insanity and dream, like the life of all the people who do not want to lie to themselves any more. Herman Hesse’s feeling of pain that threads its way through all of his works and reverberates through his life as a cry of civic freedom, was our inspiration and our comfort. ...
I sing like a bird is a story that leads to salvation. A writer encounters characters from his novels. They help him to experience inner change. So as to make this happen he must want the change and must go through all of his inner wide space. If he remains on the narrow piece of his being he is going to be ruined. Spiritual change is one of the most difficult human temptations. Its reward is growing up. ...
I sing like a bird is a performance that has been searching for ways of devotion, ways of trust, ways of compliance. It seems to have found them. Not even love is so far now. Our thanks go to Herman Hesse. (Nenad Čolić)

Blue Theatre was founded in December of 1995 in Belgrade. We make theatre with the idea to change ourselves. Blue Theatre is a theatre laboratory which ideology is based on principles established by reformers of XX century theatre - Constantin Stanislavsky, Antonin Artaud, Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret, as well as Italian director Massimo Giannetti.
Blue theatre is not a modern theatre, the group of people who, cherishing a seed of anarchism in ourselves, use theatre as the place which has credibility and where some serious things about the world that surrounds us could be said.
As a part of its regular activities, Blue theatre maintains education of young theatre creators through workshops and seminaries.


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