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Shadow Casters – Theatre & TD, Croatia/MESS, Bosnia and Herzegovina

| Monday, 27th June 2011 | 18.30 / The Novi Sad Theatre, Grand Stage |

Concept: Shadow Casters
Directed by Katarina Pejović and Boris Bakal
Dramaturgy: Stanko Juzbašić, Dražen Novak, Vedrana Klepica
Orchestrator: Stanko Juzbašić
Movement: Valdo Hodmajer
Space and Lightning: Boris Bakal and Katarina Pejović
Mask: Zdenka Mihelj
Female performance: Irma Alimanović, Maja Izetbegović, Jelena Miholjević, Mona Muratović, Petra Težak
Male performance: Benjamin Bajramović, Nikša Butijer, Dean Krivačić, Boris Ler, Vilim Matula
Duration: Both performances last 120 minutes and are performed strictly for same-sex audience

The third part of the trilogy On Togetherness is a diptych of plays under the common title Male-Female/Female-Male, created in a coproduction of Shadow Casters, Theatre & TD and the International Theatre Festival MESS. The project deals with the ‘nature/culture’ of a male and female community, their historical, political and material dependency, trying to play with stereotypes (of both communities and their inter-dynamics), but speak up about some new readings of the gender-sex-chosen affiliation. The claim that men and women are different, even possibly two different species, is more and more exploited today – from the yellow press to popular science. Therefore the project Male-Female/Female-Male divides the world into two plays – Female and Male – and subjects them to forensic examination. The forensics is definitely eclectic in nature – objective, subjective, psychological, social, political, gender, anthropological, pathological. Both plays are performed in the same space with the same set, and they both have a form of a musical score with fixed and changeable parts. The plays are solely for an audience of the same gender – male or female. All can see both performances, but separated according to gender.
Shadow Casters
Shadow Casters is a non-profit international artistic and production platform for interdisciplinary cooperation, creativity and exploration of inter-media arts, their application in urban spaces in particular. The platform was founded in 2001 by Katarina Pejović and Boris Bakal, who are its creative and productive heart. Through its activities, which include a wide array of projects, Shadow Casters are continually calling for multicultural dialogue and encouraging an active exchange between Croatian and international artists and art professionals, re-examining the existing concepts of individual and collective identities. For the ten years of its existence, Shadow Casters have realised a series of projects on the domestic and international scene, among which are multiple winning theatrical trilogies: Process_City (Vacation from History, Ex-position, Process_in_progress) and On Togetherness (Explicit Contents, ®EVOLUCIJA: MASTER CLASS, Male-Female/Female-Male). All performances by Shadow Casters explore the potentials of the theatrical play space on the border of or outside of the theatrical conventions and are largely interactive. In all the plays by Shadow Casters actors/performers are co-authors of the contents. With their projects they have taken part in a number of events and festivals in the country and abroad (Zagreb, New York, Bologna, Ljubljana, Graz, Pizza, Belgrade, Dubrovnik, Križevci, Udine, Bjelovar, Genoa, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Rijeka, Leiden, Chemnitz, Cluj...), receiving a number of recognitions and awards among which are: Special BITEF Jury Award 2007 (for Ex-position: Process_City, Part II), Avaz’s Dragon at MESS 2008 (for the entire Process_City trilogy), Grand Prix Cloud at the PUF 2009 (for Ex-position), Special BITEF Jury Award 2009 (for Vacation from History: Process_City, Part I) and Grand Prix Cloud at the PUF 2010 (for Vacation from History).